BLOGGING : Do You Know Why Nobody Cares About Your Blog???

Unlike most bloggers, you have something important to say — if only people would listen. Despite the hours you put into designing your site, brainstorming topics, and talking to friends and family about your imminent online publication, your blog simply doesn’t boast the absurdly high viewership numbers you imagined. Still, you persevere, hoping just one more post will help your blog go viral.

The truth is good blogs rarely go undiscovered, which means something about your blog is turning viewers off. Perhaps it is time for you to take a break, step back, and look for any of these five major issues preventing your blog from gaining a larger audience.

Reasons Why Nobody Cares About Your Blog

1. It Isn’t Mobile

Web users are more mobile than ever — in fact, they are more mobile than aren’t. According to the latest KCPB Internet Trends report, people spend a daily average of 2.8 hours exploring the Web on their mobile devices, compared to just 2.4 hours using laptop or desktop computers. If your blog isn’t mobile friendly in any way, you could lose out on a large percentage of your potential audience.

One of the biggest antagonists to mobile users is the format: Blogs that do not react properly to being squished by tiny screens are sure to see stagnation in readership. Most sites take advantage of media queries that alter site style when accessed by a mobile device. Additionally, you should prefer certain formatting options, avoiding fixed headers that can obscure small screens and opting for word wrap whenever you use text. When you master the basics, there are other quick mobile-friendly fixes that can make your mobile viewers’ experience even better.

2. It Isn’t Pertinent

Long ago, people would hide their personal diaries from prying eyes. Today, the Web seems to encourage all sorts of people to publish their most intimate thoughts and feelings — but in truth, no one ever wanted to read those banal diary entries in the first place. Blog readers must have a vested interest in your content to develop the habit of returning again and again, and blogs that lack a dedicated theme or valuable information will never take off. If the topics of your posts are unrelated — for example, you have a movie review, tips for small-business funding, and a personal story about your marriage all on one blog — you probably need to give your blog more direction.

3. It Isn’t Welcoming

Unlike newspapers and magazines, television, and radio, the Internet allows for conversation between creators and viewers. Your blog’s readers want to engage with you; they want to share their opinions on your posts, make requests for specific content, and perhaps even just tell you how much they love your stuff. Thus, if your blog isn’t friendly toward such interaction, you could be scaring your most ardent readers away. 

To start, you should enable commenting on your site to encourage immediate communication from your readers. You may also consider adding a forum, where your most passionate readers can have conversations amongst themselves. Social media is becoming a crucial way for blogs to gain online exposure, so you must make your site sharable — by adding images, embeddable links, etc., as explained by — to encourage your readers to spread their love to new legions of potential viewers.

4. It Isn’t Accurate

More likely than not, you have read about the importance of attention-grabbing headlines, but it is entirely possible that you are using them all wrong. Rather than confuse and fool potential readers into clicking on your links, your enticing headlines are meant to attract readers who are already interested in your blog’s topic. By typing deceitful headlines (or, in fact, any type of false-hearted content), you are abusing your readers’ trust and losing views. The dramatic increase in click bait around the Web has already made most users mistrustful of particularly catchy headlines, so you should strive to be as truthful and accurate in your blog’s content as possible.

5. It Isn’t Good

Finally, if none of the previous four reasons are the cause, you might have to accept that your blog simply isn’t very good. There are plenty of vague reasons Web users claim to dislike certain sites over others: The design is unappealing, the content isn’t entertaining, or they just don’t like one aspect or another for no particular reason. Successful bloggers are exceedingly self-aware, and most can easily parse out what makes their blog less thrilling than it should be. If you are struggling to find an element that turns your viewers off, you might ask a friend (or better yet, a blogging expert) to review your site for you. Fortunately, the flexibility of the Web means that even the worst blog can become great with a few smart tweaks.
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About Unknown

Santosh Kumar is a Pro Blogger and Web Designer.He loves in posting blogs.His Hobbies are Listening to Music,Playing Cricket and Reading Books.
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